• Lot No. 366, Mabandla Street, Mbabane Township, Below St Marks High School
  • info@sascco.org.sz
  • Contact us

    (+268) 2404 0278

  • Working TIme

    Mon - Fri: 8:00 -17:00



To provide quality education and training and an advisory function to our affiliated Savings and Credit Co-operatives (SACCOs) to enable them to be viable entities, thus making meaningful contribution to the economy of Swaziland through empowering their members.


Application for membership to ESASCCO shall be submitted to the Executive Manager

  1. By-laws
  2. Extract of minutes with a resolution to affiliate to ESASCCO
  3. Copy of audited financial statement or draft, whichever is available
  4. Copy of registration certificate
  5. Application forms properly signed (provided by ESASCCO)
  6. List of members
  7. Joining fee
  8. Shares payment, one share required at joining.

Upon affiliation the SACCO is required to submit its yearly budget and financial audit statement to ESASCCO and pay Annual subscriptions.

What are the application and admission procedure?

Application for membership must be submitted in writing to the APEX Body and must be signed by the Chairman and Secretary of the registered Society

The application must be accompanied by:

  1. A Certificate from the CCDs office under which the Society is registered
  2. Society by-laws/rules.
  3. Societies last annual financial report
  4. Copy of the resolution to join the Apex Body passed by the Society’s Board of Directors.
  5. The current membership fee MUST accompany the application.
  6. Upon receipt of the application and related documents, the Executive Manager must make appropriate inquiries and review the submitted documents to verify the legal, financial cooperative savings and credit status of the Society, and to ascertain that the objects of the Society are compatible with the objects of the Apex body.